A terza rima poem.. DAY 15 napowrimo
It snowed the early morning night
The clouds hid away the blood moon
I missed the full moons eclipsed light
I knew the moon would bring a swoon
Axis Aries Libra held a zodiac story
The cold night blanket was my cacoon
Dreams beneath the nights hidden glory
Attention to what fills the quester’s cup
Remembering what gave to the journey history
I drank the star light and I filled up
There was no matter to where I rest my head
The blood moon eclipsed a magic cup
Gracious was the night time fed
Behind the gloom where the snow fell
The Moon she made no suffer as she bled
Every she cycles in the heavens she dwells
Tagged: be here now, Blood Moon, BREATH, GEEZER GIRL, geezer wisdom, JEANNE ADWANI, JEANNE BEAUCHAMP, napowrimo, NATIONAL POETRY MONTH 2014, Poem for a blood moon, POEM FOR THE DAY, TErza Rima